Red Cross First Aid Guide

Updated: Aug 14, 2024

What is First Aid?

First Aid is the first action taken to an injured victim. First aid involves a quick response to an emergency situation to help someone who is suffering from an illness or injury. The main goal of first aid is to prevent the victim's condition from getting worse, save the victim's life, and speed up recovery. This is a basic action taken while waiting for medical personnel to arrive.

Every day, thousands of people experience serious injuries. That’s why first aid is an action that must be understood by everyone. However, not everyone understands first aid. According to the British Red Cross, as many as 85% of people do not have the knowledge and confidence to provide first aid.

Red Cross First Aid Guide

Table of Images 👆

  1. Emergency First Aid Guide
  2. First Aid Information
  3. Basic First Aid
  4. First Aid Guide
  5. Basic First Aid Guide
  6. Red Cross Symbol
  7. First Aid Guide
  8. American Red Cross First Aid
  9. Red Cross First Aid Procedures Handout
  10. Red Cross Basic First Aid Instructions
  11. Red Cross First Aid Steps Sheet
  12. Red Cross First Aid Checklist for Schools
  13. First Aid Guide by Red Cross for Camping
Printable Emergency First Aid Guide
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Printable First Aid Information
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Printable Basic First Aid
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Printable First Aid Guide
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Basic First Aid Guide
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Red Cross Symbol
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First Aid Guide Printable
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American Red Cross First Aid Printables
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Red Cross First Aid Procedures Printable Handout
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Red Cross Basic First Aid Instructions Printable
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Red Cross First Aid Steps Printable Sheet
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Printable Red Cross First Aid Checklist for Schools
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Printable First Aid Guide by Red Cross for Camping
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What is the Red Cross First Aid Guide?

The Red Cross First Aid Guide is a guide that helps people to provide first aid for victims. This guide is an important tool for first aid training. With first aid training, a person will have the right knowledge and techniques in providing emergency assistance.

This ability is a basic skill needed at home, work, school, and various public places. The positive impact of this guide is increasing the chances of survival for victims. So, learning about the first aid guide is the same as helping to save other people's lives.

In general, the main benefits of studying the red cross first aid guide are:

  • Providing support for victims in emergency situations.
  • Following first aid procedures correctly.
  • Overcoming personal health crises.

What are Initial First Aid Steps?

The first aid steps that you must understand are ABC. ABC stands for Airway, Breathing, and Circulation. What are they?

  • Airway: This is the first aid given to someone who cannot breathe. So, when giving first aid, you must first ensure that the airway is functioning normally by opening the victim's mouth.
  • Breathing: If you have checked the victim's breathing and the victim is still not breathing, you must intervene by giving artificial respiration. Check chest movement to see if the intervention is working.
  • Circulation: When giving artificial respiration, do compressions on the chest to maintain blood circulation. This method is related to CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) which is done by pressing the victim's chest several times.

What are 10 First Aid Basics?

After you understand the initial steps in first aid, start learning the basics of first aid. You must train yourself in practicing these first aid basics to master first aid basics in various types of incidents.

These first aid basics teach you about various first aid for some of the most common incidents and emergency conditions. Let's learn them one by one here!

  • CPR: This is the most important first aid technique. Learning basic CPR involves the process of giving artificial respiration to save someone who cannot breathe. CPR helps blood circulation, increase brain response, and restore a person's consciousness.
  • Treatment for Burns: There are three types of burns and each type of burn requires a different type of treatment. First-degree and second-degree burns require topical treatment. Meanwhile, third-degree burns require special treatment from a doctor.
  • Seizures: When someone is having a seizure, protect the head and remove dangerous objects. Do not move the victim's position. Do not give food or drink.
  • Sprains: Injured joints should be bandaged. Do not move the victim's position before the doctor examines them. You can use the RICE technique or rest, ice, compression, and elevation.
  • Head Trauma: Head trauma requires immediate treatment. You should check for symptoms of dizziness, dilated pupils, and other symptoms.
  • Stitches: You must close the wound before medical staff arrives. So, you need to understand the correct and safe technique for sewing the wounds.
  • Broken Bones: You need to understand the technique of applying splints to help people with broken bones to reduce pain.
  • Choking: Choking is a condition caused by a blocked airway. You need to give a blow to the back to remove objects from the airway. You can use choking guide poster to understand the steps to help a choking person.
  • Shock: Shock occurs when the brain does not receive blood or due to an allergic reaction, infection, accident, and disease. Ask the victim to lie down with their legs raised. Make sure their body is warm and do not give them food or drink.
  • Bleeding: You need to stop the bleeding as soon as possible. Usually, the bleeding comes from a vein or artery. So, you need to raise the injured part above the heart and apply strong pressure using a clean compress to the wound.

What is a Printable Red Cross First Aid Guide?

Printable Red Cross First Aid Guide is a guide to basic first aid that can be printed. You can get it on our blog for free.

To get it, you just need to click on the guide, download it, and print it! Very easy, right? This guide can be a learning for you or your children to save the lives of people around you.

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Recent Comments

  1. Lily

    This printable Red Cross First Aid Guide is incredibly helpful and informative. It provides straightforward instructions and practical tips for handling emergency situations. A must-have resource for every home!

  2. Kingston

    The printable images of the Red Cross First Aid Guide provide a useful visual aid, offering easy-to-understand instructions and illustrations on lifesaving techniques, ensuring quick access and effective learning for emergency situations.

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